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Hardcore Hall Monitor

Hardcore Hall Monitor

April 07, 2017

Writer and Producer

Hardcore Hall Monitor was my final attempt at the Ten Day Film Challenge of my high school career. We planned pre-production extensively for this project, and I wrote the script almost alone. Felix’s concept was about a high school hall monitor who took his job way too seriously, with Wes Anderson-like camerawork. The 3-4 minute time restriction was the hardest part of this film, as the script I wrote would have been much better suited for a 10 minute feature. In production we had to cut several scenes that would have been able to tie the story together more smoothly. We also decided to use Mr. Herman as the school principal, which was allowed as long as his role was minimal enough not to be credited. The edited film was one of the best looking movies I’ve ever worked on, but the abruptness of the film and Mr. Hermans large role caused us not to qualify for the competition. In my opinion, this was the best movie I had ever submitted to the challenge, and with more time and less rules, having gone to nationals I think that it could have beat most films there. I was disappointed that we didn’t make it in, but ultimately satisfied with what we accomplished in such a short amount of time.

Actors: Joaquin Thomas, Cassandra Hand, Douglas Herman, Tito Mazzucchi

Director: Felix Shafroth Doty

Writer: Zoe Andersson

Producers:  Cacy Thomas, Daouda Njie, Wes Midgett, Siani Davis

Director of Photography: Mark Kreigh

Sound Designer: Juliana Concepcion

Editors: Mark Kreigh and Juliana Concepcion

March 24, 2017

Writer and Editor

Anatomy of a Scene in Breakfast at Tiffany’s was another project that was not a Dig-Vid assignment. The anatomy of a scene project was given to us by Mrs. Giknis in our Reel Reading class, where we watch, write about, and analyze films. This project involved choosing a movie, taking extensive notes on it, and picking a scene to contextualize and analyze the deeper meaning behind, and it’s relationship to the film as a whole. Cacy and I chose the 1961 classic Breakfast at Tiffany’s and analyzed the scene where Holly Golightly meets her neighbor Paul Varjak for the first time. Writing my own dissection of the film helped me understand the characters better, and the finished result looked polished and professional. This video essay is another example of my progress in editing and I’m very proud of how it turned out.


Writers: Cacy Thomas and Zoe Andersson

Editor: Zoe Andersson


March 20, 2017

Writer and Producer

Tiles was a fun relief from the arduous process of Dear Diary. Isabella, Indee, Hanna and I set about making a short horror movie that involved a person in one room. We had many different concepts at first, then once we decided we wanted it to be set in a bathroom, our plan came together. The film is about a girl struggling with her mental health and goes to the bathroom for relief, only to be haunted by mysterious figure, or her paranoia. We wanted her monster to be ambiguous and never seen, but implied; Indee played this role convincingly. I think that we ended up accomplishing our goals in the span of a short movie that evokes a sense of uneasiness in its viewers.

Actor: Indee Phillpotts

Directors: Hanna Dunakin, Isabella D’Angelo, Indee Phillpotts, Zoe Andersson

Writer: Zoe Andersson

Camera Operators: Hanna Dunakin, Isabella D’Angelo

Editor: Zoe Andersson

Dear Diary: The Movie

February 27, 2017

Actress, Writer, and Producer

The production for the continuation of Dear Diary was hastily completed. After my group’s disappointment with not meeting the February deadline for our film, we were all less than thrilled to keep working on this film into second half of the month. We completed the rest of our scenes in two stressful Saturdays at my house and some time over the week in school, through which some scenes turned out better than others. The Disney flair was pushed to the side to concentrate on our new deadline which required editing between shoots and a fair amount of rescheduling and planning. The finished film is about 14 minutes, making it both the longest film we’ve ever made and the longest production time. Though my acting is less than perfect in this film, I think back to sophomore year and how afraid I was to act in movies and I now see how much more confident I’ve become in my own abilities. My friends reassured me throughout the film and we finished with a film that we can all laugh at together. Despite its many (many) flaws, Dear Diary: The Movie was a senior year memory that I’ll always remember.


Actors: Zoe Andersson, Cassandra Hand, Isabella D’Angelo, Indee Phillpotts, Xavier Carroll, Lyle Seitz, Cacy Thomas

Director: Zoe Andersson

Writers: Zoe Andersson, Cassandra Hand, Isabella D’Angelo, Indee Phillpotts

Producers: Xavier Carroll, Juliana Concepcion, Cacy Thomas

Dear Diary Trailer

February 06, 2017

Actress, Writer, Producer, and Editor

​The making of the trailer for my longest film to date was racked with complications. Mr. Herman gave us our longest project yet, with pre-production designed to be completed over winter break and editing finished by the beginning of February. My group had the idea of a parody of a Disney Channel Original, a film that followed all of the conventions of a High School Musical- type movie only about my life. I was cast as the lead actor by my friends and I reluctantly agreed. Pre-production was slow and by the time winter break rolled around, we had very little planning completed, with many of our scenes visualized, but nothing concrete. When we came back, we began filming in late January with only some idea of the direction we wanted to go. This made it difficult for us to film, and the days we did work, we were only to complete one or two scenes in the span of an 8 hour day. As the deadline approached, we realized that we only had enough footage for a trailer, and the the full-length film would have to be put out later that month. Though it is short, I think this intro to the movie includes the best composed scenes in the film, despite our setbacks.

Actors: Zoe Andersson, Cassandra Hand, Isabella D’Angelo, Indee Phillpotts, Xavier Carroll, Lyle Seitz, Cacy Thomas

Director: Zoe Andersson

Writers: Zoe Andersson, Cassandra Hand, Isabella D’Angelo, Indee Phillpotts

Producers: Xavier Carroll, Juliana Concepcion, Cacy Thomas

VAWA Documentary

January 29, 2017

Writer and Editor

This was one of the few projects that I did not make for my Digital Video class. This documentary about the Violence Against Women Act examines its path to becoming a law and the circumstances through which it was passed. It was made as a project for my American Government class, but I think that it serves as an example of my advancement in editing in Premiere. I am really happy with how nice this documentary looks, as well as how informative it is.

Writers and Voiceover: Cacy Thomas, Cassandra Hand, Zoe Andersson

Editor: Zoe Andersson

Broken Mirror

November 19, 2016

Co-Director, Editor, and Actress

Broken Mirror is an experimental film playing with tones of lighting. This film felt like my first true project of Senior year, because the film invitational happened so early on. In the past I had only use lighting kits in large productions, but I wanted to use them more commonly in my films. My group decided that we would play with different colored gels and corresponding colds to create different emotional reactions. While the purple and green lit Cassie looks mischievous and playful, Cacy under the harsh green light looks sinister and insane. The editing and music pair up to create different emotional scenes that correspond to their lighting and actors. I think that this piece looks visually beautiful and accomplishes this goal.

Actors: Cacy Thomas, Cassandra Hand, Indee Phillpotts, Zoe Andersson

Directors: Cacy Thomas, Cassandra Hand, Indee Phillpotts, Zoe Andersson

Camera Operator: Cacy Thomas, Cassandra Hand, Indee Phillpotts, Zoe Andersson

Editors: Zoe Andersson

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